English 128 -- Science and Literature

Dr. Eric Sonstroem
Office: WPC 137 Phone: 946-2619 
Office Hours: MW 12:30-2
, or by appointment. 

Spring 2020 -- 4 Units
M, W, F 2:00 - 3:15
EDU 208

Syllabus:  www.sonstroem.com/128/


The hard sciences and literature are often thought of as two entirely separate academic domains, as two entirely separate practices.  This is far from the truth.  This class will bridge that gap, as it explores the intersections of science and literature within the realm of human culture that they share.  We will explore:

This course satisfies the General Education requirements for III-C.

Learning Objectives:

Students will leave this class with:

Literacy in reading basic scientific texts.

Required Texts:

Most of the readings will be online, or in a pdf available on the Canvas site.  Class readings must be printed out and brought to class.  You will also have to purchase two books:  Connie Willis, Bellwether (ISBN: 0553562967, link), and Arthur Miller, An Enemy of the People (ISBN: 0140481400, link).


Attendance is required.  You may miss three "personal days" for any reason (and I don't want to know the reason).  After that, your final class grade will drop 1/3 of a letter grade for each additional day missed.  If you have a valid, documented reason for needing to miss more classes (eg, a valid medical reason) talk to me about that early in the course. Chronic or extreme lateness will also not be tolerated, and may count as absences as well.  The same applies to failure to participate in classroom discussion or activities. Cell phones (or other screen devices, like tablets, smart watches, etc.) are absolutely not permitted in class and must be off/put away.  Also, you may not use your computer in class, unless we are doing a classroom activity that specifically requires them. If I have to ask you to put your device away in class, this may count as an absence.

Print out and read the assigned reading.  The reading load is designed to be manageable and it should be varied enough to remain fun and interesting.  If you keep up with the reading, then you can participate actively in classroom discussion and write papers that are engaged and interested.  In lieu of making you buy a very expensive anthology for the class, most of your assignments are in the pdf.  This must be printed out and brought to class.  I don't want you using your computer in class.  Reading will be assessed by periodic, unannounced reading quizzes throughout the semester.  Of course, failing to keep up with the reading is likely to adversely affect other components of your grade besides just the reading quizzes.  For example, without reading it would be hard to bluff your way through:

Active participation in discussions.  This is a seminar-style class, and as such it will be more discussion-driven than other classes you may have taken.  Every student counts.  We will learn from each other here, and discover the connections between our course material as a group.  Discussion skills (framing and supporting a complex argument in real-time, active listening, etc.) are some of the most valuable skills you can take away from an English class.  If you refuse to participate in classroom discussion, you do yourself a disservice by neglecting these skills, and you do a disservice to your classmates by depriving them of your insights and perspectives.  Active and regular participation in classroom discussion will therefore be assessed as a significant part of your overall grade.  Students who contribute thoughtfully to discussion, and who listen respectfully to their classmates, will be rewarded.  Students who don't contribute, or who attempt to dominate discussions at the expense of their classmates, will not.  Here's how to prepare for discussion:

You will notice that there is a web page for the class, which you are reading now.  This more or less takes the place of both a syllabus and a coursepack.  You will be required to access this web page throughout the semester, for readings, assignments and other material. Computer access, internet access, and access to a reliable printer are therefore vital to the class.

Written work will probably be submitted to me electronically.  Hard-copy assignments should be printed on white paper, in a standard 12-point font, with one inch margins. Your papers should be double spaced, and should contain my name, your name, the course number, the date, and a title.  Student work may be retained for assessment and other purposes.

Late papers will be marked down 1/3 of a letter grade for each calendar day they are late.  I will consider giving short extensions on assignments if you contact me ahead of the due date and you have a good reason for wanting the extension.  All assigned work must be completed to pass the course.


Please refer to your Student Handbook (Tiger Lore) for a complete statement of the University Honor Code, an essential element in the academic integrity of our campus community.  If I believe you to be in violation of the University Honor Code I will refer the matter to the Office of Student Life.  Penalties for violating the Honor Code can include suspension from the University.  In other words, if you plagiarize in this class, I will probably catch you, and you will probably end up in serious trouble.

Plagiarism is the attempt to pass off someone else's text or ideas as your own. If you copy or paraphrase from any outside source, even another student, and fail to formally acknowledge this in your text, you are guilty of plagiarism. If someone else writes a paper for you, or even part of a paper for you, you are guilty of plagiarism. If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you will receive an F for the assignment, an F for the course, and a letter will be sent to your dean. There are no exceptions.

Students with Disabilities:

If you are a student with a disability, who requires accommodations, please contact Mr. Daniel Nuss, Coordinator of the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities in the McCaffrey Center for information on  how to obtain an Accommodation Request Letter.  Contact:  SSD@pacific.edu or (209) 946-2879.  Then please schedule a meeting with me during office hours or some mutually convenient time to arrange the accommodation(s).


Please notify me about any special needs during the first week of the semester.  Those students needing accommodations due to a disability should arrange a meeting with me during office hours and provide an accommodations request letter obtained from the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities in the McCaffrey Center.


The bulk of your grade will be determined by two exams, two five-page papers and one somewhat longer paper or project which you will present to the class.  There will also be a number of unannounced reading quizzes, which will be no problem if you have kept up with the reading. 

Papers 1 and 2-----

15% each

Final Paper/Project-----


Class Participation-----


Reading Quizzes-----








Grade Scale: A 100 – 93 ; A- 92.9 – 90 ; B+ 89.9 – 87 ; B 86.9 – 83 ; B- 82.9 – 80 ; C+ 79.9 – 77 ; C 76.9 – 73 ; C- 72.9 – 70 ; D+ 69.9 – 67 ; D 66.9 – 63 ; D- 62.9 – 60 ; F 59.9-0.

Tentative Schedule of Classes:

As you can see, this schedule is still a work in progress. Since this is an upper-level English class at Pacific, that means that you, the student, are encouraged more than ever to help shape the direction and form of the class.  Student suggestions for additional readings and/or changes to the reading are strongly welcomed. I have a pretty good idea of some of the places this class will end up, but I can't be completely sure until we get there.  I may make changes to the reading schedule to help focus the class themes as they emerge over the course of the semester.

Week: 1 Begins: January 13 -- Introduction:  Science, Culture, and Literature in Education and in Life


Welcome.  Course policies.



T.H. Huxley, "Science and Culture"  



Matthew Arnold, "Literature and Science" 


Week: 2 Begins: January 20 -- Are Science and Literature Two Cultures?


 No Class

MLK Holiday



C. P. Snow from "The Two Cultures".



J. L. Borges "The Library of Babel" and Isaac Asimov "The Last Question".


Week: 3 Begins: January 27  -- Science and Poetry


Selection of poetry.



Richard Feynmann "The Making of a Scientist",  Maurice Riordan "The Suspense of Strangeness", and Arthur Winfree "The Scientist as Poet".



The Role of the Scientist as Perceived in Contemporary Culture:

In class:  South Park "Spontaneous Combustion" and Futurama "A Big Piece of Garbage"


Week: 4 Begins: February 3  -- Paper 1



Rough draft of Paper 1 due in class for peer editing.

Discussion of South Park and Futurama



Final draft of Paper 1 due. 



Excerpt from Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions


Week: 5 Begins: February 10  -- The Case of Newton: Primary Texts


Isaac Newton:  From Principalia Mathematica and Optics

Isaac Newton: From Principia



Isaac Newton from "A Short Schem of the True Religion" and from "Of Natures Obvious Laws and Processes in Vegetation"



Ted Chiang, "Division By Zero"


Week: 6 Begins: February 17  -- The Case of Newton: Responses to Newton


No Class

Presidents Day Holiday



Jonathan Swift, from Book 3 of Gulliver’s Travels part 1. (Chaters 1-3)



Jonathan Swift, from Book 3 of Gulliver’s Travels part 2. (Chapters 4-6)

Pierre Simon de Laplace from "A Philosophical essay on Probability" 


Week: 7 Begins: February 24  -- The Structure of Change in Science



Connie Willis, Bellwether, "Beginning" (p. 3-44)



Connie Willis, Bellwether, "Bubblings" (p. 45-92)



Connie Willis, Bellwether, "Tributaries" (p. 93-136)
In class: Chaos Theory videos 1 and 2


Week: 8 Begins: March 2  -- Bellwether



Connie Willis, Bellwether, "Rapids" (p. 136-211)



Connie Willis, Bellwether, "Main Channel" (p. 212-end)



Midterm Exam


Spring Break. :)



Week: 10 Begins: March 23  --   Darwin



Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species Chapter 3 



Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species Chapter 4 



Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species Chapter 15


Week: 11 Begins: March 30  --   Dawkins/Orem



Richard Dawkins, from The Selfish Gene



William Orem, Across the River”, “That Elusive Quality of Life”



Orem, “Taste of Water”, “The Journeyman”


Paper 2 Due, Saturday, April 4

Week: 12 Begins: April 6  --   An Enemy of the People



Arthur Miller's adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, Act I



Arthur Miller's adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, Act II



Arthur Miller's adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, Act III


Week: 13 Begins: April 13  --   Moving toward student presentations



In class:  Strategies for your online virtual oral presentation.
Your Proposal for your Final Paper/Project is due.



Prep for Final Presentations.



Student presentations and Q&A:


Week: 14 Begins: April 20  --   Online Student Presentations



Student presentations and Q&A:



Student presentations and Q&A:



Student presentations and Q&A:


Week: 15 Begins: April 27  --   Online Student Presentations



Student presentations and Q&A:

Final Paper Due.


 No Class


No Class 

Our final exam will be online. Details TBA.

This syllabus and accompanying material is copyright 2020, Eric Sonstroem.